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Highest bid


Bidding history

  • $121

    - 2022-09-03 20:51:44

  • $120

    - 2022-09-03 20:51:44

  • $72

    - 2022-08-31 16:20:18

New! BE-3340 N. treubiana ‘Andamata’ – assorted clones – 5 Small- Lot: B6646

  • City : not specified
  • City Area : not specified
  • Start date: 2022-08-29 16:00:00
  • End date: 2022-09-04 03:00:00
  • Current bid : $121
  • Published: 08/29/2022

Description :

We first offered this rarely cultivated species back in 2009 but the supply was so scarce that it was very rarely available. We now have sufficient supply to be able to offer some batches on auctions, but it will still be some time before it’s sufficiently available to be able to offer it on our regular shop.

Photo notes: The first two photos are habitat shots of a plant that may be similar to the clones offered under this item (photos courtesy S. McPherson). The last photo is of a very juvenile pitcher of one of the clones to be shipped under this item.

Source: Random selection from five different clones out of microprop.

Climate: Lowland

17 votes

